Vishay Precision (VPG) Q4 Earnings Preview

What to Expect:

* Revenue: $73.64 million (estimated), down 17.7% YoY
* Adjusted EPS: $0.14
* Analyst Sentiment: Neutral

Key Points:

* VPG beat revenue estimates in Q3 but missed EPS targets.
* Revenue forecast represents a deceleration from Q4 2022's 7% decline.
* Analysts' estimates have remained consistent in the past month.
* VPG has missed revenue estimates four times in the past two years.

Industry Context:

* Peer Belden reported 20.8% YoY revenue growth, beating expectations.
* Corning also exceeded estimates with an 18.4% revenue increase.

Investor Sentiment:

* Electronic components stocks have seen positive sentiment, with average share price gains of 2.4% in the past month.
* VPG's share price is up 4% in the same period.
* Analyst price target: $27.25 (above current price of $23.80).