Weight Loss Treatments Focus on Muscle Preservation

Current Weight Loss Methods

Traditional weight loss approaches often result in both fat and muscle loss, which can hinder mobility and compromise overall strength. To address this, pharmaceutical companies are developing innovative treatments that prioritize muscle preservation or growth.

Promising Drug Candidates

Eli Lilly

* Acquired bimagrumab, which inhibits myostatin to protect muscle mass.
* Testing bimagrumab alone and in combination with Wegovy.


* Exploring trevogrumab, an antibody targeting myostatin, in combination with Wegovy and garetosmab.

Scholar Rock

* Developing apitegromab, which targets myostatin, alongside GLP-1 treatments.


* Investigating RG6237, an anti-latent myostatin, as a monotherapy and in combination with CT-388.


* Evaluating taldefgrobep alfa, a myostatin inhibitor, in early-stage obesity trials.

Keros Pharma

* KER-065, targeting myostatin and activin A, showed promising results in preclinical studies.

Elevai Biosciences

* Acquired myostatin-targeting drugs EL-22 and EL-32 for combination with GLP-1 treatments.


* Enobosarm, targeting androgen hormones, reduced muscle mass loss in patients receiving Wegovy.

35 Pharma

* HS235, targeting activin and GDF ligands, is undergoing early-stage safety trials.

Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals

* ARO-INHBE and ARO-ALK7, RNA-based drugs, intervene in fat storage pathways.

Six Peaks/AstraZeneca

* Collaboration to develop an antibody targeting activin cell receptors for muscle preservation.

Benefits of Muscle Preservation

* Reduced risk of falls
* Enhanced overall strength
* Improved mobility, especially in older adults