Building an Efficient Retirement Portfolio

For Young Investors

Maximize returns on risk by investing in a target-date fund, which simplifies asset allocation decisions and is suitable for young investors accumulating wealth.

Approaching Retirement

Seek professional guidance to personalize investment strategies and consider specific risks such as inflation and longevity.

In Retirement

Diversify your portfolio to mitigate risks and generate income. Optimal portfolios vary significantly based on individual needs.

Asset Allocation and Risk

Contrary to popular belief, retirees should not allocate 100% of their funds to stocks. Bonds do not necessarily provide reliable diversification; stock risk decreases while bond risk increases over time.

Tax Considerations

Optimize your after-tax rate of return by allocating bonds to pre-tax accounts and stocks to taxable and Roth accounts.

Managing Longevity Risk

Delay claiming Social Security or purchase annuities to address uncertainties surrounding life expectancy. Personalize retirement plans based on specific longevity projections.

Recommended Planning Age

While planning to age 95 is a reasonable starting point, use free online tools to estimate individual life expectancy accurately.