Egg Prices Soar to Record High Due to Avian Influenza Outbreak

Avian influenza has decimated US poultry populations, driving egg prices to unprecedented levels. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Grade A eggs averaged $4.95 per dozen in January, surpassing the previous record set in 2021 and more than doubling the low of $2.04 recorded in August 2023.

The bird flu outbreak, which began in 2022, has resulted in the culling of millions of birds, including egg-laying hens. When the virus is detected on a farm, authorities euthanize the entire flock to prevent its spread.

To mitigate the impact of the outbreak, egg farmers have implemented stricter biosecurity measures and faced higher costs for feed, fuel, and labor due to inflation. Additionally, the increasing demand for cage-free eggs, which are typically more expensive, has further strained supply.

Ten states have implemented laws requiring cage-free egg production, and outbreaks on these farms have had a significant impact on prices. The limited supply and regional distribution of cage-free eggs amplify the price effects when outbreaks occur.

Economists predict egg prices to continue rising, especially around Easter when demand surges. Consumers may experience shortages as stores struggle to maintain inventory. Some retailers have implemented purchase limits to manage supplies.