Rolling Back Biden's Prescription Drug Initiatives

President Trump has rescinded an executive order issued by the Biden administration aimed at reducing prescription drug costs. Notable among these initiatives was an effort to provide Medicare patients access to generic drugs for $2.

$2 Generic Drug Plan

Under the proposed pilot program, Medicare prescription drug plans were invited to offer a standardized list of frequently used generics with a low $2 co-pay. This would have simplified cost predictability for doctors and patients.

The proposal drew support from healthcare groups like the American Hospital Association, which emphasized its potential to improve medication adherence and health outcomes. However, generic drug manufacturers expressed concerns that the list would have a limited impact due to the modest savings and lack of incentives to steer patients towards generics.

Trump's Rescission

By repealing the Biden executive order, President Trump effectively canceled the $2 drug list and other related proposals. Healthcare experts have criticized this move as a rejection of efforts to reduce drug spending.

Philosophical Difference

Some right-leaning experts argue that the $2 generics list would have introduced unnecessary bureaucracy and that it was more of a public relations exercise rather than a serious cost-cutting measure. Others, including Edmund Haislmaier of the Heritage Foundation, highlight a difference in philosophy regarding government involvement in Medicare's drug program.

Ongoing Drug Price Negotiations

While the rescission of the executive order does not affect Medicare's upcoming drug price negotiations or the $35 cap on insulin, it raises questions about the Trump administration's approach to these negotiations.


The decision to scrap the $2 drug list signals a desire to depart from the previous administration's drug policies. It remains to be seen how aggressively the Trump administration will pursue Medicare's future negotiations with pharmaceutical companies, which hold significant implications for the federal budget.