US President Donald Trump's Inflation-Battling Strategy

In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump stressed the need to address inflation, a significant burden for American consumers. To combat rising prices, Trump has directed federal agencies to identify solutions and reduce costs in key sectors.

Key Objectives

According to Trump's memorandum, federal agencies must review their policies to lower the costs of:

* Housing
* Healthcare
* Food
* Energy
* Home appliances

Proposed Solutions


* Increase oil and gas production by opening federal land to drilling
* Promote deregulation to expedite energy infrastructure development


* Reduce regulatory barriers, such as the Waters of the U.S. Act, that delay construction
* Expand tax credits for affordable housing


* Ease regulations in hazardous industries
* Increase worker training programs
* Impose stricter work requirements for welfare recipients

Supply Chains:

* Address the shortage of truck drivers
* Allow younger drivers with specialized training to transport goods across state lines

Home Appliances:

* Lower energy efficiency standards to reduce production costs


* Target "rent-seeking practices" in healthcare that drive up costs


* Create a new department focused on reducing the federal budget deficit

Potential Effects

Economists predict that some of Trump's proposed policies, such as deregulation and tax cuts, could stoke inflation by increasing demand. However, Trump's administration believes that deregulation and reducing government spending will free up resources and lower prices for consumers.


While inflation has eased from its peak in 2022, it remains a concern for American consumers. Trump's administration faces the challenge of finding effective solutions that do not exacerbate inflationary pressures. The outcome of their efforts will significantly impact the US economy and the daily lives of its citizens.