Prioritizing for Productivity: A Leadership Guide to Doing More


Managing multiple businesses can present significant challenges, requiring leaders to effectively manage commitments and balance responsibilities. Despite the workload, avoiding overwhelm is essential for maintaining productivity. While productivity hacks and apps abound, there is no substitute for hard work and strategic prioritization. This article shares insights from a seasoned entrepreneur who has mastered the art of prioritization to manage three successful companies.

The Power of Prioritization

A critical aspect of productivity is prioritizing tasks based on their impact and urgency. By focusing on high-impact projects that align with long-term goals, leaders can ensure their efforts drive meaningful progress. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability, enabling leaders to respond to unexpected challenges or opportunities.

The 30/70 Rule

To create space for impactful work, leaders should limit scheduled meetings to no more than 30% of their weekly schedule. This rule prevents meeting "creep" and ensures ample time for strategic initiatives, customer engagement, and product development.

Impact Management over Time Management

Instead of obsessing over time management, leaders should focus on impact management. By evaluating tasks based on their potential to move the needle, leaders can prioritize those that generate the most value. This requires identifying high-impact projects that cross departmental boundaries and leveraging expertise to make significant contributions.

Embracing Superpowers

Leaders should recognize and leverage their strengths or "superpowers." Identifying areas where they can make the most impact allows them to focus on those tasks while delegating others to capable team members. By playing to their strengths, leaders can maximize their productivity and drive innovation.

Pairing Macro and Micro Goals

Setting clear and achievable goals is essential for measuring impact. Breaking down long-term goals into smaller, quarterly targets provides a roadmap for progress and keeps leaders focused on the immediate steps needed. This approach helps tackle complex projects incrementally, ensuring steady progress towards strategic objectives.

30-Minute Monotasking Blocks

To combat distractions and enhance focus, dedicating 30-minute blocks to single tasks is highly effective. This method prevents multitasking, which can significantly reduce productivity. By eliminating interruptions and limiting distractions, leaders can gain control of their time and achieve greater output.


Productivity in leadership is not about quick fixes but rather about adopting a strategic approach to prioritization. By understanding the importance of impact management, leveraging strengths, setting clear goals, and embracing monotasking, leaders can effectively manage their workload and maintain a sense of balance amidst demanding schedules. By working diligently and following these principles, leaders can unlock their full potential and drive success across their organizations.