Streaming Giants Netflix and Amazon Dominate Live Sports to Combat Subscription Cancellations

In the fiercely competitive streaming landscape, Netflix and Amazon have adopted a strategic approach to prevent subscriber churn: investing heavily in live events and sports content.

The Rise of Live Events as Subscription Retention Tools

David Levy, co-CEO of Horizon Sports and Experiences, emphasizes the crucial role of live events in retaining streaming subscriptions. He notes that the ease of canceling streaming services compared to cable subscriptions necessitates the provision of compelling content that keeps viewers engaged.

Netflix and Amazon's Live Sports Expansion

In response to this market dynamic, Netflix has introduced WWE programming and the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight, while rumors suggest it is eyeing rights deals for F1 and UFC. Amazon has also acquired Thursday Night Football rights.

The Advantage of Sports Content

Sports content holds a distinct advantage over scripted and unscripted programming in maintaining viewer interest. Levy explains that sports events guarantee a built-in fan base and predictable viewership, making them a valuable asset for streaming platforms.

Industry Projections

Market research firm PWC predicts that by 2025, over 90 million US viewers will stream sports events monthly, up from 57 million in 2021. This growth potential serves as further impetus for streaming giants to secure exclusive sports content.

Analysts' Perspective

Industry analysts believe Netflix has emerged as a leader in the streaming race, citing its impressive 2024 results and upwardly revised 2025 guidance. Jeff Wlodarczak of Pivotal Research states that the company's success is evident in its dominance of the global streaming market.

Traditional TV's Adaptation to Streaming

Despite the shift towards streaming, Levy acknowledges the ongoing popularity of big-screen TV viewing. Major networks such as NBC have embraced the simulcasting trend through companion streaming services like Peacock. Levy predicts cross-platform opportunities will drive growth for these media companies.


Netflix and Amazon's aggressive pursuit of live sports events underscores the importance of premium content in driving subscriber retention and capturing market share in the evolving streaming industry.