Meta's Ex-COO Sanctioned for Deleting Cambridge Analytica Emails

Meta Platforms' former chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, faces consequences for deleting emails during the Cambridge Analytica privacy scandal litigation. Vice Chancellor Travis Laster imposed sanctions on Sandberg, stating that evidence revealed she used a personal pseudonym account and erased potentially relevant messages.

Sanction Impacts Sandberg's Defense

The sanctions will impede Sandberg's ability to present her perspective and potentially increase her liability in the upcoming trial. The judge also ordered her to cover expenses incurred by shareholders due to the sanctions motion.

Selective Deletions Raise Concerns

Judge Laster expressed concerns that Sandberg selectively removed emails from her Gmail account, potentially eliminating crucial communication. Meta and Sandberg's attorney declined immediate comment.

Sandberg's Defense and Affirmative Defenses

Sandberg claimed to be forthcoming about her personal account and its limited business use. She contended that others were copied on business-related emails, ensuring the preservation of information. Judge Laster applied a stringent "clear and convincing evidence" standard to Sandberg's affirmative defenses, requiring her to provide strong support for her arguments.

Cambridge Analytica Scandal and Lawsuit

The case stems from Facebook's alleged data leak to Cambridge Analytica in 2018, which raised concerns about user privacy and shareholder value. Shareholders accused company directors and officers of violating a 2012 FTC consent order, resulting in a $5 billion fine in 2019.

Zients' Involvement and Differences

Shareholders also requested sanctions against Jeffrey Zients, a former Meta board member who also used and deleted personal emails. Judge Laster found Zients' messages less relevant due to his later board involvement and non-officer status.

Upcoming Trial and Deposition

Zuckerberg is scheduled for a second deposition before the trial's commencement. The case is significant due to its allegations of widespread misconduct within the company.