Jennifer Granholm Joins Edison International and Southern California Edison Boards

Los Angeles (April 1, 2023) - Edison International and its subsidiary, Southern California Edison (SCE), announced today the appointment of Jennifer Granholm to their boards of directors, effective April 1.

Granholm's appointment brings a wealth of energy policy expertise, particularly in clean energy and zero-carbon technologies. She served as Secretary of Energy under the Biden administration and as Governor of Michigan for two terms.

"We are honored to welcome Ms. Granholm to our boards," said Pedro J. Pizarro, President and CEO of Edison International. "Her deep understanding of the technical, political, and economic dynamics shaping our industry will provide invaluable guidance."

This announcement comes amid ongoing lawsuits against SCE, alleging that its electrical equipment sparked one of the devastating wildfires that ravaged Los Angeles County in recent months.

About Edison International

Edison International (NYSE: EIX) is a leading energy company headquartered in Rosemead, California. The company consists of SCE, one of the nation's largest electric utilities, and Edison Energy, a competitive energy provider.

About Jennifer Granholm

Jennifer Granholm served as the 47th Governor of Michigan from 2003 to 2011. She later held the position of Secretary of Energy under President Biden from 2021 to 2023. Granholm is known for her advocacy for clean energy and sustainability initiatives.